Reader Interactions


  1. Aizel Macaldo says

    Same feels. No matter how much we ‘neglect’ our reading time, books will always be there waiting for us. The wonder of books is that it’s timeless. 🙂

  2. Mary says

    I can so relate to struggling with blogging while in high school! I have one year left…and tbh I’m STILL figuring out how to make it all work. I think one of the best things I ever did was sit down and tell myself “no you don’t actually like rewatching old tv shows on Netflix instead of reading”. Wish me luck next school year!!!

  3. Emily @readbyem says

    This summed it up perfectly, and is so true. It was a major shock to realise I was 20+ books behind on my Goodreads reading challenge, and I just started up a blog so I am trying to balance that too, but I am glad that I can at least read and all the stress of the year hasn’t taken away from my love of books.

    If you haven’t already, you should read Strange the Dreamer. For shorter books I would recommend the All For The Game series by Nora Sakavic or Everything I Never Told you by Celeste Ng. Those are some of my favourite reads of the year so far and hopefully, you will enjoy them!

  4. Tarryn B says

    This is so normal, I promise you! You’ll take a reading sabbatical, then fall in love all over again, it will be an ebb and flow… Just go with it 🙂 I agree with Strange the Dreamer – give it a read! I’m busy with it now and you really can’t go wrong with Laini Taylor!

  5. Ilsa says

    this post was soo….flowy? Like it just so worked? I don’t know what I mean but I basically I like how I read this post, how this post reads? I DON’T KNOW, it’s NICE??

    ANYWAYS, I somewhat get you mean? I mean my love for book don’t disappear even though at imes i have to stop reading and do what i need to get done. sometimes this is weeks, and sadly months. but books always welcome you back warmly, and once you get back into the swing of reading, you wonder why you ever left.

    This was such a Meringue-ish post like so light and awesome and IT SUMS EVERYTHING UP PEFRECTLY

  6. Emily @ Books & Cleverness says

    I totally relate to this. I’ve experienced the steady decrease of books read in a year, the anxiety about losing my love of reading, only to realize it was just a phase passing through, and deep down I know I’ll always love books. I was nervous about breaking from reading and blogging when I went away to college this year, but I read a book when I got home for the summer, and it lead to another and another… and now I’m full blown back into everything I forgot I loved so much about books and blogging and the community!

    As for book recs – WORDS IN DEEP BLUE BY CATH CROWLEY! It may also help you remember why you love books and reading so much! 🙂

  7. Becky Baker says

    I think everyone can relate to this post. Most readers find a point where they stopped reading. maybe not completely but it really slowed down because reading is time consuming and it can require effort after a long day. When you’re reading a lot for school normally you kind of just want to lose yourself in TV not reading another book. I’m glad to hear the love for reading isn’t gone. I think for many it’s about finding the right time to pick it back up… and also finding the right book to remind you why reading is so great.

  8. TaraM says

    i absolutley relate to this. (and i adored the way this post was written, it flowed perfectly) for a while i thought it was just a reading slump, but i am seeing that as the years go by i read less and less because of life and SCHOOL. And although i have school and other extra curricular things to do, i still TRY to blog and read and honestly it’s just really hard, but i know that deep down my love for reading is still there, i just need to remember that.

  9. Georgiana Teglas says

    Such a relatable post! I was a massive reader in high-school and I did okay even at Uni, but after that I had a period of 2-3 years of not reading. At all! I got a job, lived on my own and reading did not seem like an adult priority. But two years ago I decided that this madness needs to stop. I decided to read 30 minutes daily and slowly, I got back into my old reading routine. I still don`t read as much as I used to, but I`m OK with that.

  10. Natalie says

    I’ve always adored reading, much like you, during school I was always there with my nose in a book, devouring stories whenever and wherever I could. By Year 4 I was reading around 5 years above my age grade, and that love has never gone away – not for long anyway. Sometimes I find myself overwhelmed and saddened by the idea that perhaps I’ve spent time reading so much books, and reading about adventures that maybe I’ve missed out on some of my own along the way and so then I get myself into a slump and bum myself out so much that I don’t even want to look at a book – but I always know for sure that as soon as I’m ready to rekindle that fire the stories will always be there. Also time is a huge issue. Throughout the entire year I just had at Uni (it was only first year too, which doesn’t count for anything) I read around five books total, and now that it’s summer break I’m nearing my twenty-fifth book in two months. I’m glad you’ve found your groove again, and I hope it stays with you!

  11. mockingjay1018 says

    Same, it got harder for me to read when I didn’t have easy access to the library when I was younger. However, I still love books, hence why I’m an English major. But it’s gotten harder for me to read books for fun because I’m tired from reading so many books in so little time for class, plus there’s work, other college stuff, and personal issues to deal with. But, I have some free time now, so I’m slowly trying to get into the habit of reading more again.
    Any tips on getting back into the habit of reading again?

    – Stacy | my little talks


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