Reader Interactions


  1. Claire @ Coffee with Claire says

    Thank you for sharing your fantastic list on tips to living sustainably! When I lived in Australia, I got inspired by all the locals being eco friendly – seriously, that country is sooooo ahead of the world in sustainability that it inspired me to adapt a better lifestyle since moving back to Canada. I think the biggest takeaway is that a lifestyle change takes time and I believe if someone rushes into it, they’ll get overwhelmed. Starting off small is important and gradually making other sustainable changes overtime.

    I only started looking at ethical fashion brands and buying second hand in December 2019. What a difference in quality when you compare slow and fast fashion!

  2. Riv @ Small Stained Pages says

    This was such a great list! It’s so important to be living sustainably and making the small adjustments wherever we can – it might be an uncomfortable transition but it helps the overall health of our planet! Small adjustments add up over time, I definitely used to think that I needed to cut everything bad out of my life and felt overwhelmed by the pressure but taking small steps helps make the transition easier. 😀

  3. Molly's Book Nook says

    I did a “trash audit” last year and, boy, did everything I buy have to come wrapped in PLASTIC. So much plastic! I made a lot of changes to what I use over the last year but some items are more difficult for me than others (especially with a very specific/picky husband). But they do say a lot of people doing zero waste IMPERFECTLY is better than a few people doing it PERFECTLY. Great list 🙂

  4. Priscilla Kong says

    xannnn this is so good!! thanks for writing this <3 one of my goals this year is to live more sustainably this year and i have not been doing super great bc of covid but these are great tips and resources!!

  5. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction says

    I try hard to be conscious of the waste in our lives. And cutting down on waste is definitely the best bet, especially since the mess with recycling—a lot of things we put into the recycle bin are ending up in the ocean anyway! It can be tough with a family of five not to go the convenience route, but every little effort I make helps!

  6. Jenna says

    Great suggestions! I think one of the best ways I have reduced my impact is definitely becoming a vegetarian. My body also feels so much better (and my grocery budget has been decreased!). Thanks for sharing 🙂
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch! Life of an Earth Muffin

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