Reader Interactions


  1. Mara @ Mara Was Here says

    I’m a victim of book hangovers ALL THE TIME! It’s actually quite painful. Like eating a terrible ice cream that you don’t want to eat because it tastes like trash but it’s ICE CREAM so you still want to eat it. (I believe this is a valid comparison.)

    I don’t think there’s anything that could make me easily get over hangovers, but I do like to search for anything about the book when I do – fan arts, mostly – and just… indulge myself. BECAUSE FAN ARTS. And they’re beautiful. Also, I have a few friends at school that I can talk to when I’m having a book hangover, so I just *calmly* shriek at them and tell them to read the glorious book themselves so I can fangirl with them all week.

    Awesome post, Alexandra! I’ll keep these tips in mind the next time I experience another hangover.❤️ (Because I’m pretty sure I wil.)

  2. shootingstarsmag says

    I don’t really know the last time I had a book hangover. I like these tips, especially the one about rereading certain sections or even reading the book over again. That really would be a good idea if you just LOVED the book and don’t want/can’t move on yet.


  3. Aentee @ Read at Midnight says

    I agree with all of this, sometimes you just need to get the book out of your system and move on with life but it’s so hard. I especially like the fan-edit or fan-graphics solution myself, since they usually take me freaking ages to do and when I am done – I am ready to say bye to the book for another year or so. It’s only with HP that my hangover will last for THE REST OF MY LIFE XD

  4. Natalie says

    Ah, Book Hangovers. The absolute worst. Funnily enough, what I usually do is talk to someone who isn’t in the book community and who will probably never read the book. They just let me scream and cry and rant and send tumblr text posts and gifs and all that good stuff to get it out of my system. And then I take a few (or hours, or weeks – since a book hangover usually ends up in a reading slump for me) to watch youtube videos, start up a new tv show, actually do some school work until I’m ready to get my heart broken again.

  5. Tamara @ Tamaraniac says

    This is such a good post! Really great tips. I also thinking reading a new/old book from an author or series you really love can help… Though in my own experience that can result in a (nearly) endless cycle of book hangovers. I often get book hangovers from my favorite author’s books (*cough* Sanderson) so then to cure it I pick up another one… It’s not always smart.

  6. Puput @ Sparkling Letters says

    I recently got book hangover after reading Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. It was sooo emotional and I can’t concentrate on reading other books. So I decided to re-read all my favorite parts (to the point that I memorize the quotes) and over played the soundtrack of the movie (Photograph by Ed Sheeran). I got it out of my system now (even though I still play the song every chance I get) 😛

  7. Julia Hope says

    Ugh but the worst is when a book hangover turns into a reading slump. That’s what happened to me after finishing Illuminae. It was a while before I got back into my groove. Anyway, loved this post! Even though I’m currently in a happy reading mind set, I’m sure it won’t be long before I finish a book that leaves me feeling like I’ll never read another good book again. Great post! 😀

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