Reader Interactions


  1. Maya @ Suddenly Inundated says

    Obviously I already have a blog xD but I wish this post was around when I first decided to start blogging!! Its wonderful hehe! I started my blog this November, so I haven’t been around TOO long! But it feels like I have been blogging for ages, I would never give up on it!

  2. Yulia K. says

    That post is really helpful even though I already have a blog for almost half an year now. I really like your blog.. From the posts to the design so simple and cute. 🙂

  3. somesortofspell says

    This post is amazing! I just recently started blogging but I still feel kinda lost? I don’t know, it’s like I’m not so sure where I’m going and I can’t find enough time to do what I would like to do with it, but your post really helped and encouraged me. So thank you! You’re such a huge inspiration btw XD

  4. sophia life says

    this is very helpful! I’ve been blogging around 3 months but ALWAYS forget to blog hop and comment! i, too, made a creative name and found it much easier for others to find me! Except I can’t figure out how to get my twitter from lif3sophi4 to vivalabooklife :/
    love this post! im definitely going to direct my friends who are new bloggers to this post! 🙂

  5. Kaelyn says

    This is a great post! I’ve been meaning to rename my blog for a while now but wasn’t sure how to do it. I started blogging January 1st this year 🙂

  6. Jaquetta Chamblee says

    This is a great post. I personally use blogger as my platform and it’s perfect if you want something simple to begin blogging. However, I learned that the design templates aren’t very customizable. I actually had to learn to play around with html coding and all that fun stuff. (I’ve accidentally deleted my entire blog template a total of 3 times)….Tragic. Thanks for the tips though 🙂

  7. Tasya @ The Literary Huntress says

    This is such a great post! It’s very nice of you to compile this kind of list. I remember how confused I was when I first started blogging! I created my blog in 2013, but I started blogging for real in 2015. It took me a while to fell in love with it and actually commited to put a lot of work into my blog! I have so much fun now, it’s just really fun! I still not able to design my own template though, no matter how many times I learn about coding, I just can’t understand it! *sobs*

  8. Geraldine @ Corralling Books says

    YES. This post is such an awesome one, Xan! I’d definitely recommend these tips 100% to anyone looking to start a blog! 😀
    Especially the connect with others one – I NEVER did that when I first started out, and I regret that so much!

  9. Natalie says

    When I first started out I didn’t really have much of an idea on where to start. Thankfully I started as a co-blogger so when we decided to go our separate ways she helped me to set my own up which was the best help that I could’ve asked for. The name was the hardest part though! I’d encourage people to not rush into it as you’ll be stuck with it for at least a few months whilst people start getting to know you/your blog.

    I didn’t really connect with people when I started, I found it really hard to find my place in the community and honestly I’m still trying to find it so I’d say that’s also a pretty HUGE step for people starting out.

  10. Jackie Harris says

    Which blogging platform do you use? Self-hosted WordPress? Did you design the layout or hire someone to help?

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