Reader Interactions


  1. Clarence says

    I have said this a lot of times. Calista (@insidethebookreader) will forever be my favorite. The creativity of her eyes made her pictures so stunning!!! :)))

  2. Denise says

    I love bookstagram! Everyone is so lovely, and it’s a wonderful space where everyone can be so creative. Some of my favourites are: @lucythereader @themilelongbookshelf @ccovertocover @wordelixirs @sherrygloss 🙂

    Thanks so much for sharing this! I’m always looking for new accounts to follow (seriously, I follow 1189 people!), and all of the people mentioned take stunning pictures.
    Denise | The Bibliolater

  3. Maya @ Suddenly Inundated says

    I have so many favourites I can’t even remember them! I also love bookstagram, it’s just so much fun to look at pretty pictures of books! I’m leaning towards starting my own, but I am still debating, because its scary.

  4. Laura says

    I hadn’t seen some of these accounts so thanks for sharing! I love how cohesive all of these accounts are, as mine often feels a bit all over the place. I’ll have to visit some of these for inspiration!

  5. Aneeqah says

    Honestly I have been toying with the idea of bookstasgram for SUCH a long time. I started an account a few months ago, but because inspiration comes to me in random bursts when it comes to photography, I don’t post frequently!! I NEED HELP FIGURING OUT MY LIFE UGH

    Okay but seriously this post makes me want to stare at these accounts foreverrrrrr. SO PRETTY. I don’t even know if I can pick a favorite! A lot of these are new to me, actually, so I can’t wait to check them all out aka go through every single one of their pics and like them. And lol, I feel you on the descriptions!!! Sometimes all you can do is stare wordlessly at the gorgeousness.

    Love love love this post! One of my new fave instagrammers is @paperfury! Her pics are SO GOOD. And of course, YOU are one of my favorite bookstagrammers! I can’t believe you’ve only been doing it for a year and a half. So crazy you’re already a celeb! 😉

  6. Cherry says

    You are the absolute sweetest! I know I keep telling you this, but you’re such an angel & I just want to take you shopping lmao so we can bond over cute clothes haha. A few of my favorites (besides you ofc and everyone mentioned above) include: infinitelynovel,, readsleepfangirl, and acrossthepages <3 p.s. your blog is the epitome of cute!

  7. Lee Chand says

    I love this idea! I might make a post as well. There are so many amazing bookish accounts I follow! I am also thinking of starting my own! I love your insta Alexandra!

  8. Jen says

    This post is BEAUTIFUL, bookstagram is such a beautiful community to be a part of. P.S. Your blog posts are amazing & thank you for featuring my IG 🙂

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