Reader Interactions


  1. isha @ two sisters bloggin' says

    i agree, xan! the cover is probably one of the most beautiful covers i’ve seen this year ah <333 i havent personally read the series yet (although i have all the books) but hanna does so im definitely getting this one. i know you guys are probably sad that the series is coming to an end. but is it bad that im looking forward to it because i can finally binge read it without the year long wait? 🙈

    great post!

    isha xxx

  2. Cristina @ Girl in the Pages says

    I still have to read the third book in the series (which I’ve owned for close to a year and still haven’t gotten around to…oops) but I am IN LOVE with this cover. Hands down the best. Blue is my favorite color so I can’t resist, this is as good a pre-ordered.

  3. Stephanie@ThesePaperHearts says

    This cover is so beautiful! I love more artistic covers like these rather than model covers. I would definitely say this is my favorite cover in the series.

    I HATE when they change cover designs mid series. I don’t care if they take a new direction with the paperbacks, but at least carry the first theme through to the end. The series that always comes to mind for me is the Lux series by JLA. I owned the first 4 books in that series and then the 5th book, they completely redesigned the covers and my last book didn’t match at all D:

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