Reader Interactions


  1. Cait says

    Oh I LOVE your blog name and it fits so well…with the books and ballet. Well done! 🙂 And your theme is nice (snoooow!) but gah, I can understand how frustrating it is not to be able to customise much. Self-hosted is awesome for so many customisations, but my brother-in-law is also a web designer and he’ll do stuff for me if I babysit all his kids. lol So I am extremely lucky I know! 0.0
    I’m opposite to you though! I’d been blogging for aaaages and now do bookstagram a lot. I love taking pictures of books! XD
    Thanks for joining in!! I loved reading this!

    • alexandra @ twirlingpages says

      thank you so much! your new site is looking GORGEOUS. it’s funny how we’re flipped! i’ve been obsessed with instagram ever since i found out what it was, but never joined the bookstagram community until a few months ago (which really was only a few weeks before i started this blog haha). but blogging and bookstagram aren’t that different i suppose; they’re both forms of (book-loving) expression! 😀

  2. Janta Claus (@SweetestJana) says

    Hello! I would really recommend getting the Tweak Me Theme from Creative Whim. It’s super cheap for the value, and you can customize and customize to your heart’s content. Here’s the link so you can read about it: She has a gallery of blogs who use it so you can see how versatile is. You’ll see my blog there. Hehe. It only works on self-hosted sites, and even if it didn’t, I SO recommend switching to self-hosted. I only pay $75 a year for my domain name and my hosting plan. Quite a bargain, considering how much freedom it gives you.

    I also keep my blog a secret. My real life friends just don’t get it! I kind of like having a secret life anyway. lol

    Thanks for mentioning The Broke and the Bookish in your favorite blogs list! We really appreciate it, and are glad you enjoy what we do there!

    • alexandra @ twirlingpages says

      ooo that looks beautiful! i’ve been reading ashley’s blog and she really seems like she knows what she’s doing (in terms of blogging and web design). thanks for the all the tips!! i really i hope to move to a self-hosted site soon. <3

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